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Product ID: T13882  

2018 Hino Ranger Medium-sized freezer wing 6200 wide, made by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, -30 degree setting, rear air suspension, 240 horsepower, aluminum wheels ★ Actual mileage on the meter: approx. 120,000 km! ★

2018 Hino Ranger Medium-sized freezer wing 6200 wide, made by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, -30 degree setting, rear air suspension, 240 horsepower, aluminum wheels ★ Actual mileage on the meter: approx. 120,000 km! ★
Product Price SOLDOUT ()
Brand HINO
Model Year 2018
Payload 2,150kg
JPN Government Certification Expired
Body Manifucture Trantex
Mileage 130,000km
Gross Vehicle Weight 7,960kg

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